If you ask me, women age like a fine wine. Q: If you could have me at any age, how old would you want me to be?Ī: Forty. Would you be okay with that?Ī: Maybe some day… I don’t like to rush into anything too serious, you know? Q: If she ever stops ignoring me, I’d love to introduce you to my daughter some day. Q: I know you’ve had sex with a porn star, but have you ever had sex with a prostitute?Ī: I’m not proud of it, but, I did pay for sex once in a moment of weakness. I think about your tits pretty much every night before bed. Q: How much did you miss me over the past couple of years?Ī: A lot, actually. Q: Have you ever thought about anything more than just sex between us?Ī: I tried once but my mind went right back to sex. Q: Be honest… have you looked up any of my porn videos since we met?Ī: I’d be lying if I said curiosity hasn’t gotten the best of me…Ī: Secretly, I hope you don’t. Here are the answers to HuniePop 2 Jessie’s Questions (in alphabetical order): Still lost? No worries - let our guide be your guide! When answering her questions, be sure not to completely butter her up, but don’t beat around the bush either - that middle ground will get you places with this MILF. She can feel time marching ever onwards and is saddened by the current state of her relationship with her daughter, but she’s pretty certain this vacation will help clear her mind of those things. HuniePop 2: Double Date’s Jessie has a lot going for her - and going on.